Want to learn more about the everyday early Christians and how they grew from fear to boldness in their Christian lives? Do an intensive study on the book of Acts and watch how apostles and everyday Christians, empowered by the Holy Spirit, worked together in the spread of the kingdom of God.

Want to serve within your own congregation? Learn how to work more closely with your pastor and congregation leadership in your church.

Are you a single woman who feels isolated when all the conversation is aimed at couples and families? Challenges of living in a culture increasingly hostile to Christianity and God’s guidance for joy-filled and purposeful relationships? Join in scriptural guidance and discussion to be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

Are you a mother or grandmother concerned about raising or assisting the next generation in raising a godly family? Learn how to incorporate the teachings of Jesus into family life in all stages.

Are you a woman who loves to gather with other women around God’s Word, but don’t know how to start? Learn how to start a Bible study (inside or outside the church) or host your own retreat by gaining wisdom from women who have sound, established practices and resources.

Are you a young Christian woman, struggling in a society that has abandoned God? Learn how to live and witness in a world that does not recognize Jesus. Make connections with others who feel the same isolation.

Are you a lay person who feels you have been called to greater influence as a Christian in an increasingly anti-Christian culture? Become familiar with resources available through Martin Luther College, Wisconsin Lutheran College, and Bethany Lutheran College, as well as through Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and Northwestern Publishing House.

Are you a seasoned Christian woman who needs to refresh your daily habit of being in the Word? Learn a variety of ways to build the Word into your daily life, making God’s Word a priority.

Are you a new Christian? Learn sound doctrinal teaching in keynote and breakout sessions.