Amy Weichel, Tania Kopplin & Rachel Halldorson
How can each of us work to foster faith in the next generation? This breakout aims to offer encouragement and ideas to Christian parents as they endeavor to pass on their faith to the next generation. And whatever our age or life situation, we can all be working to encourage faith in those younger than us. In this interview-style breakout, you’ll hear from real parents in the trenches of discipling their children for a lifetime of spiritual growth and following Jesus. They will speak to the challenges that come with this desire to live counterculture in a world that is so good at keeping us distracted and busy. Are you a grandparent, godparent, Sunday school teacher, or youth group leader? How can you work with families to nurture the faith of their children and help them to fulfill their God-given role in teaching the next generation of Jesus? Come brainstorm ideas with us!
Amy Weichel
Amy is a homeschooling mom of four children and married to Derek. Together, they founded Faithful Parent, a ministry that helps parents develop a Christian parenting plan to keep their families focused on Jesus for this generation and future generations. She’s a Christian mom on a journey to be more intentional with the children God has blessed her with, especially in spiritual matters, and to help other parents do the same.
Tania Kopplin
Tania Kopplin has been married to Kevin for 28 years. They are currently living in Dallas, Texas. They have 3 children Jacob, 25 married to Carissa. Katie, 23, soon to be married to Zach, and Laura, 20, who is currently a sophomore at MLC in the Early Childhood program. Tania has been in ministry over 30 years, 15 years as an elementary school teacher, and many years volunteering and serving in a variety of roles at several churches in 3 different states. Currently she serves at Divine Peace, Rockwall, TX as the Children and Family Ministry Coordinator and the Personal Member Ministry Coordinator. In May, 2023, she graduated from Bethel Seminary, St. Paul’s MN, with a Master’s Degree in Children and Family Ministry. Tania’s passion is to teach children about Jesus, and to walk alongside parents in discipling their children.
Rachel Halldorson
Rachel is wife to Wayne (her favorite pastor) and mom to two amazing kids, William and Hosanna. She lives in East Texas where she serves as church secretary and works at the local public school. She also serves on the WELS Women’s Ministry Executive Board as the Congregational Ministries team leader (aka the CONGO team). This team connects women of our synod to resources, offers ministry encouragement to groups and individuals, and provides a platform for women to hear biblical conversation on relevant topics. They do this primarily through Connection Calls and women’s ministry webinars. Meeting fellow sisters in Christ and connecting them with each other by sharing their ideas and gifts is one of Rachel’s favorite things to do!