Mark & Mollie Henrich



Rev. Mark and Mollie Henrich


Life changed for Philip. It took him from the known city of Jerusalem to a city and crowds in Samaria to a desert road and a life-changing conversation with just one person. Life also takes us down a variety of roads. On these roads, some planned and some unexpected, who knows what opportunities the Holy Spirit places before us to have life-changing conversations? Who’s passing on your road?


Mark and Mollie Henrich are thankful to live in Toronto, the fourth largest city in North America. Mark serves as chairman of the WELS-Canada Mission Board and as pastor at Hope Lutheran Church, a congregation made up of brothers and sisters in Christ from over 25 different countries. Mollie serves as a full-time teacher in the public school system. They have two daughters, Essie (9) and Evangelia Hope (7).

Before moving to Canada, they were blessed to have served a combined 30+ years in cross-cultural ministry in three different countries.