Ruth Schaller & Su Hanson
In this session, Ruth and Su will highlight how prayer and the power behind it was used throughout Acts by the early Christians and apostles in order to be empowered to proclaim! As they point out examples from Acts, Ruth and Su will also share similar personal prayer experiences throughout their years as seasoned prayer warriors. Finally, they will lead attendees in a discussion on creative ideas of prayer in more modern, digital times and settings.
Ruth Schaller
In her 84 years, Ruth has played many roles—first and foremost as a blessed daughter of the King. She has been a wife and widow twice, and a natural, foster, and step-parent. She also has served as a family nurse practitioner, a university instructor, and an editor/author. She has been deeply involved in issues related to health care and developmental disabilities, and in women’s ministries and Mission to the Children in Mexico.
Su Hanson
Su and her husband reside in South Carolina. They have raised three children and have four grandchildren, ages 8 through 24. Su is founder of Comforter Ministry, a Christian quilt ministry for women diagnosed with cancer. She served as the director of Comforter Ministry for 17 years. Her love of God’s Word has led her to write faith-based articles, devotions, Bible studies, and topical presentations. She has also served as a speaker and led women’s Bible studies.